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    • Address: Vasai East, Thane, Maharashtra

    • Call Us: +91 8623974383

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    We are one of the best manufacturers and suppliers of mineral water plants since 2006. During our journey, we have collaborated with only the best brands and renowned manufacturers for all our plants and machineries parts and equipment’s. All the materials sourced for setting up these plants are of high quality and requires minimum maintenance. At every stage of water purification, we try to ensure that the source water meets the best water treatment processes and phenomenon. So that water can be treated in the best possible manner and people can get pure mineral water which they can rely upon anytime. This is why clients completely rely on us for their mineral water projects, due to the efficient procedures we use. Our highly functional mineral water plants are capable of handling water capacity ranging from 1000 LPH to 20,000 LPH. Our plants are made of sturdy stainless-steel S.S.304 which is an economical solution for the mineral water industry.

    Mineral Water Process Details

    World Latest Technologies of Process for Mineral Water (Bottled Water) Production from Different Source of water Like Bore Hole, Deep Well, River Water, Sea Water etc



    The direct consumption of raw water is considered unfit for drinking as it may contain living microorganisms. To eliminate the bacteria if present in the water.
    For this purpose we provide one no of HDPE hypochlorite solution preparation tank along with one dosing pump. From the required suction and the discharge pipe work in pvc construction to isolation valves, we provide all the equipment’s along with our machineries. The dosage rate is accustomed as per the actual requirement, which may vary on case to case basis.


    Suspended particles pr solids which is present in the raw water can block / clog the RO membrane. Thus to protect the membrane we need to remove the suspended particles which is present in the water. To remove these, we need to use Multigrade Sand Media, its helps to remove the turbidity upto 2 micron.


    Water derived from natural source may contain organic impurities, i.eOdour, Colour, chlorine, which make the water, unfit for any kind of usage, and hence, it is essential to eliminate the same from water. It is necessary to remove the Chlorine before feeding into R.O System. The R.O. Membranes get damaged due to Chlorine which is a strong oxidizing agent. Activated Carbon is the right solution for eliminating Chlorine, Odour, &Colour by passing the water through carbon bed. The Carbon granules will specifically adsorb organics present in water as they have large surface


    The feed water containing high Chlorine content may oxidize the RO membrane and as a precautionary measure we have provided Sodium Meta Bi Sulphitedosing system Dosage rate is 4-5 mg/liter which remove the excess chlorine if present in water. A HDPE chemical preparation tank with an electronics diaphragm design dosing pump is used to achieve this technique.


    The presence of calcium, magnesium temporary hardness may get deposited if concentration exceeds its solubility limit, damaging the membranes greatly resulting into scaling that will eventually lead to sub grade treated water quality from R.O. System. To avoid such situation this anti scalentdosing (scale inhibitor) system is set in place


    Our Micron Cartridge Filter include various Series of filtration capacities with the 20 Micron, 10 Micron, 5 Micron, 1 Micron, 0.45 Micron & 0.2 Micron Nominal and Absolute Micron Cartridge. This is a Disposable Cartridge and after the specified period of use, it should be replaced. This should be followed to ensure top quality of your Product water as it comes through the specific filtration path. There is a possibility of slippages for any particles which can be stop through the Cartridge also 1,0.45, 0.2-micron cartridge.


    The water pressure should be accelerated which going through Reverse Osmosis Process. To meet this requirement a Vertical Multistage Centrifugal High Pressure Pump in S.S design is provided R.O. System demands operating pressure of about 14-16 kg/cm².


    Reverse Osmosis System reject nearly 90% of total dissolved solids by the principle of `Osmosis’. This equipment consists of a R.O. Module assembly set on top of the M.S. Skid.
    For safe operation of system following instruments are providing on Panel

    Feed & Reject

    To indicate respective pressure of R.O. System.

    Flow Indicator

    To indicate respective flow of R.O. System.

    TDS & pH Meter

    To measure TDS & pH of Treated water.

    High- & Low-Pressure Switch

    For tripping high pressure pump in case of excessive feed pressure of R.O. System.

    Flow Totaliser

    For counting working hours of H.P Pump/ R.O. System.


    A Horizontal Centrifugal type of pump designed using Stainless Steel. This pump supply water in required flow along with the pressure to the Pre-Treatment. This Raw Water Supply Pump is also provided along with our machineries.


    The Treated water from R.O. System is collected in ourcustomized S.S. designed storage tank based on the required capacity. The tank is fitted with S.S. pipe system & isolation valves and appropriate kind of level indicator. A single transfer pump made of S.S. material of construction comes fitted in each tank to feed the softened water in MCF.


    R.O. treated water does not contain any kind of micro-biological impurities like Bacteria, Virus, etc. But there is a possibility of them developing again in water if it is left in storage for a long time. To prevent such kind of redevelopment of contaminants in water it is vital for Reverse Osmosis Application to be administered prior to Filling & Sealing in containers. Thus, a built in Ultra Violet Sterilizer is facilitated for disinfecting bacteria of R.O. treated water prior to filling in sterilized PET Bottles. Stored water to be disinfected, channels through U.V. System that contains of U.V. Tubes which radiates high intensity Ultra Violet Rays that can destroy the microorganisms.


    The feed water that is treated with R.O. System will be free of all the micro – organisms like bacterial & virus and the U.V. System will reaffirm the quality of the water when it is fed into bottles. But there are slight chances of redeveloping contaminants in packed bottles when stored for long time. Hence, it is essential to disinfect R.O treated water before bottle filling. This final step is as important as the rest of them to supplying top Mineral Water Quality as per the set standards. This Ozone Generator is the equipment that provides O3 that stop the Bacteriological growth in the water. At the same time, it extends the Shelf Life water for max 6 months if dosed as per the requirement. Ozone gas takes minimum 48 hrs to get dissolved in the water.


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